Missing Classmates


We applaud your efforts to find our missing classmates!

Most of the classmates entered into this site have some contact information in their profile, but there are others without contact information included. If you personally know some of them, please invite them to join our Pampa High School Class of 1965 website. This will serve as a means of expanding our database - especially for those classmates who have either an email address or a mailing address NOT posted! I do not claim to have the correct information posted so if you have corrections, I welcome you to let me know so I can update each classmate's information.

Spread the word! Let's try to get everyone in our class involved! Hopefully those who are missing information will edit their own entries.

Contact me if you have any questions.

Pam Ludeman Price

Mattie Aufill (Norton)
Lupe Bain
Bobby Baker
Eddie Barnett
Martha Barrett (Wildman)
Brenda Bartee (Carter)
Jerry Baten
Rose Mary Bonner
Janice Sue Bray
Jan Brown
Jimmy Brown
Mark Brown
Reggie Brown
Shirley Brown
Sam Bryan
Gail Call (Molberg)
Robert Campbell
Ronnie Campbell
Loretta Colbert (Waite)
Donna Cole (Finch)
Christie Converse
Molly Cornutt (Goodwin)
Ronnie Curlee
Tom Curry
Lyn Davis (Hefner)
Rita Davis
Linda Deatherage
Joyce Denton (Elliott)
Lois Dittmeyer
Tommie Dodd (Campbell)
Johnny Edgar
George (Sonny) Etheredge
Debbie Feagan
Barry Ferrel
Eldon Fields
Bob (Leland) Finney
Carolyn Finney
Carolyn Francis
Jimmy Free
Joan Fulks
Melody Geyer (Ashby)
Gerald Glover
Peggy Goodson
J. L. Gudgel
Janet Guthrie
Sharon Hackley
Bob Hadley
Shirley Hawkins (Graham)
James Head
Gerry Heard
Erma Henson
Janice Hickman
Fred Hild
Nancy Holt (Cates)
Terry Holt
Pat Howard (Bennett)
Susan Ince
Clara Jackson
Eugene Jackson
Garry Jones
Mary Iva Kay (Heard)
Jerry Killough
Anita Lash
Susan Lawrence
Janie Leverich (Osborne)
Paula Looper (Rose)
Ginny Lowe (Wood)
Stephen Maddox
David Maher
Mike Malson
Terry Marlar
Dorothy Matney
Sharon Maul
Rickey Maynard
Pat McClellan (Rodgers)
Richard McClendon
Ralph Meixner
Jo Alice Mihalski (Warren)
Linda Miller (Clemmons)
Robbie Miller
Roy Milliron
Ladella Mills
Linda Moore (Dodd)
Narvella Mosley
Pat Nash
Nancy Neil (Hardbread)
Nancy Newlin
Diana Nickel
Bruce Nutt
John Palmer
Mary Parker
George Parks
R. L. Pettey
Patsy Pletcher
Sharion Powell
Jean (Twillo) Preuss (Kelley)
Janet Pruitt (Reynolds)
Don Rader
Grover Ray
Clara Rice
Allen Richter
Sandra Roden (Nickel)
Steve Rodgers
Kenneth Rogers
Keven Romines
Betty Roy
Rita Scholl
Tommy Seals
Jim Shelhamer
Pat Sims (Gotcher)
Mary Ann Skaggs (Roof)
Carol Slate
Bedford Smith
Kay Smith
Randall Smith
Sue Smith
Charlie Snuggs
Patrick Spears
Jerry Stafford
Marcia Stieg
Mike Sullins
Rosie Lee Tate (Tanner)
Brenda Thompson (Powell)
Sue Thompson (Middleton)
Barbara Totty (Franklin)
Ronald Underwood
Ted Vance
Jesse Velasquez
Larry Wainscott
Greg Warden
Kenneth Waters
Larry Weeks
Bill West
John Wiley
Linda Williams
James Williamson
Fred Willis
Linda Willis (Crumpton)
Linda Wilson (Cumpston)
Mary Wortman
Nancy Yelton

Guest Members

Clay Crossland (PHS62)