PHS School Songs

Pampa High School Symbols and Songs

Mascot - The Harvester

School Colors - Green & Gold

The colors of green and gold were suggested by a teacher in 1921 to represent green wheat fields in the spring turning to gold harvest in the summer.


PHS's school songs symbolize school spirit and loyalty

Pampa High School Song

Dear Old Pampa High School,

We're in love with you.

Dear Old Pampa High School,

We will be true blue.

Keep your colors flying

As we stand by you.

Dear Old Pampa High School,

We're in love with you.

(Sung to the melody of "Let Me Call You Sweetheart")


Pampa High School Fight Song

                    On You Harvesters! On You Harvesters!                     

 Fight on down that line. 

          Run the ball clear round the.......(name of opponent)          

               A touchdown sure this time...... Rah! Rah! Rah!                

On you Harvesters! On you Harvesters! 

Fight on for your fame. 

Fight! Harvesters,

Fight! Fight! Fight! 

And win this game. 

(Sung to the melody of "On Wisconsin")